Why blog?

Originally posted 15 March 2018

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I've always enjoyed taking pictures, but I've never really taken photography 'seriously' until recently. Spending some time as a residential assistant during my uni years I found myself to be the one often taking photos for our hall's social events. I like the pictures I took from then in that they are a great source of nostalgia. But aside from that, they're not really much to look at. I enjoyed taking the pictures but photography seemed more a means to an end.

As my move to windy Welly resulted in spending significantly less time with my primary hobby of cutting and poking people (fencing), I wanted to find something else to fill in that time. I booked a holiday to visit Australia last year and I thought I may as well take that opportunity to see if my enjoyment in taking pictures could be expanded to a proper hobby. 

I bought myself a camera in March last year — just a wee point-and-shoot — to take around Perth and Melbourne. The photos aren't the greatest in terms of image quality but I do like how some of them turned out. And so began my quest to learn new skills in this foray into photography. 

I’m not aiming to be good to be renowned or anything. I only aim to get my skills at a level where I can produce photos to how I like them on a more consistent basis.

I suppose I started this blog to act as a diary; to record how I began and see if there would be any changes in how I take photos and how my tastes evolve (if they ever do). And I'm hoping that, in starting this blog, it's going to make me spend more time actually going out and taking pictures so I can keep this updated. I mean I should probably do something else over the weekend besides lounging around waiting for the laundry. Of course there will be other commitments that take up significant amount of time but the goal is to post once a month at the very least. 

In any case, I've got this website for a year so if it turns out to be too much upkeep then I can just leave it to die off (fingers crossed it doesn't!)


Wondering what to do with daylight