Silvanestri 2.0

For those who have been here before, you may be wondering what’s up with all the change? I wish there were deep and insightful reasons about progress through my photography journey and yadda yadda yadda… but it all boils down to upgrading to the newer website design. And unfortunately it means I lose all my previous pages since there’s no direct transfer feature to migrate the old content into the new templates.

The pictures and galleries are easy enough to re-upload, it’ll just take time. But the older, long-form blog posts I’m still undecided about. I would have to manually re-write and re-publish them if I want to keep a record of them. I saved a copy of their text content at least, so I could re-create them here, though separately, in the archive perhaps.

Coming up on close to 5 years of having this website, I feel like I’ve at least learned the very basics of operating my camera, the exposure triangle, etc., that I think it’s a good time to re-examine how I blog on my experiences moving forward. I did find that it took me ages sometimes to finish writing up about my shoots, so maybe posting shorter tidbits ends up being for the better. (Sidebar: saying “5 years of having this website” makes it sound like I’ve got a lot of photography experience - totally not the case. I probably only have a couple of months of actual photography experience from going out to shoot, because of long gaps between shutter clicks for a variety of reasons; but the progress so far has at least been satisfactory that I am going to keep this going for a wee while yet.)

Anyway, I’ll be reuploading the old content up in the Archives section as I go along.

Thanks for stopping by!
