I'm a hot air balloon that could go to space

Originally published 15 April 2018

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This past Easter we had an impromptu roadtrip to Featherston/Masterton. Originally we were just heading to New World to grab some supplies as we decided we were going to have a roast dinner on Easter Sunday. We weren't smart enough to lookup the store hours on the website so it was all shut when we got there. As my flatmates knew the proprietors of a pub in Featherston (and the pub was open) we went for a nice drive out for dinner. 

As we weren't too far off from the showgrounds, we decided to drive further and check out the Balloon Festival's evening show. I had to stick to my flatmate as she's the driver and she didn't bring her phone, so I was limited in going to try different vantage points. Also the pictures aren't the most exciting results for me as the pitch black night highlighted the struggles of my camera in low light. But, to be fair, I'm being picky as the camera is still pretty good considering its smaller sensor size. Anyway, the photos may not be that memorable but it was a great show to watch in person!

The band entertained the crowd while the balloon crews were getting ready for the show.

The night was almost pitch black as there were few lights around. The burners were really intense which results in some overblown highlights while the rest of the photo is dark.

This dude was cracking up jokes and banter to liven up the crowd. Pretty good with the music as well. Again, not the best quality but the Sigma 60mm pulls through again with a salvageable shot in tough conditions. 

Fire. That is all.

These would have been beautiful to catch during the day as well. 

They were firing off the balloons somewhat in time with the background music.


Model citizen, zero discipline


I need a little room to breathe