Model citizen, zero discipline

Originally published 22 April 2018

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With the weather bucketing down there wasn't much I could do outside (unless I had a weather-sealed camera). Inspired by this video I thought why not do something similar! I had a few things around the house that I could throw together to set up a mini studio. 

I did an initial test shot to see if my set up would work. I found the white backdrop a bit bland so I went to the shops and picked up a pink one for $4. I also bought a desk lamp for $6, because why not. Well, it's for lighting but mostly why not.

My budget "studio" set up. Who needs fancy equipment when you can do it for less than $50!

The lighting was a bit harsh so I improvised some softboxing by taping on some white paper towels.

I tried different lighting angles by switching the lamps on and off on either side, compared to having both on as in the middle picture.

Bunch of posers.

One thing I forgot was the white balance. I left it on auto but clearly it was on the warm end. Rosemary's white looks more pinkish.

I suppose I should introduce Rosemary's friend, Gerrard.

Also, Black Panther. I took this picture after correcting the white balance. So this one looks a bit more true to colour.

All in all it was a fun exercise. The pictures aren't quite where I want them to be yet, but I learned a lot and not fully wasted a wet weekend.


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