CubaDupa ‘23

I was meeting a friend on Sunday for some life-admin stuff, but we briefly stopped by CubaDupa while we were in town. There were a variety of stuff happening - food of course always being a selling point to me!

There were a few activities for the family… (not mine, I meant family-friendly activities)

… and some stalls selling stuff.

We weren’t there for too long so we only caught a couple of performances.

We did manage to catch some fun theatrics from a stunt performer, who did a straightjacket escape act for their main bit.

The streets also had a few characters roaming around…

And some were simply… there?

But probably the most fun part for me was seeing people dressed up, and being able to catch candid photos of people enjoying the event!

Since we were there late on the Sunday session, I imagine it wasn’t anywhere near as busy as it was on Saturday. But I went to go practice some more sports photography so I didn’t make it to Saturday’s CubaDupa. Maybe next year I’ll plan to be there for longer!


Looking up Melbourne


Queen Victoria Market