Looking up Melbourne

I’m finally getting around to sorting through the last of my Melbourne photos. These are just the random photos I took while walking around Melbourne over the course of my time there.

I’ve noted in the old blog how I quite like the different architecture and designs around the city, especially with the juxtaposition of the older buildings against the more modern structures.

I’m sure people wonder what the heck I’m looking at whenever I’m walking around staring up towards the sky. Most of the time I’m simply looking around to see if there’s anything interesting, especially at angles you don’t usually look up.

Sometimes I find the little intricacies particularly interesting…

And sometimes it’s the complete view of the facade.

The next photo is probably my favourite of the lot. I think I would have liked a longer lens to have less of the leaves and sky in the background, so it would be more of a minimalist shot of the windows and the shadows. But I still like it the way it is.

I’m not sure if I’ve captured the “essence” of Melbourne, but at the very least I have gotten photos to hopefully jog my memory of the place in the future.


On the streets of Melbourne


CubaDupa ‘23