Dash Ripshaw at Valhalla

I went to go see a friend’s band, Dash Ripshaw, play the other week at Valhalla. They were joined by a couple of other bands - Bush Lawyer…

and Tower of Flints.

I anticipated that it was going to be dark as heck in Valhalla, so I started with the Sigma 56mm f/1.4 on the OM-1. It was very useful for keeping the ISO more respectable, but when I was keeping an eye on the settings I realised I could chance it with the Panasonic 35-100mm f/2.8.

I knew that ISO 12800 would need a good run through DxO to clean up the noise, but if I framed the photos well enough then I can get away with uncropped pics minimising the noise (since these would only be seen on digital screens anyway). And the zoom of course helps with the framing since I don’t have to move around as much as with the Sigma 56mm. The photos still came out pretty crisp so definitely happy with the gamble.

I also brought the X100V for the wider shots. In hindsight I may have been better off bringing the E-M1 ii instead with the Panasonic 15mm f/1.7, but I wonder how much difference the slightly bigger aperture would make compared to the f/2 lens on the X100V. Still happy with the results though.

All in all I enjoyed the music throughout the evening, but the bass drum reverberating my insides was something I didn’t really care for. But I think it was more the loudness of it all that I couldn’t quite get used to. Perhaps if I bring ear protection then I might enjoy live gigs better!


A visit to the Old Melbourne Gaol


Pasifika Festival ‘23