Hellenic Museum Melbourne

Besides SEA Life and the Summer Night Market, I hadn’t made any specific plans on what to do while in Melbourne. I figured I would simply wake up and go on a whim with what I felt like doing. So during breakfast I searched online for free or cheap activities in Melbourne I could do for the day, and settled on checking out the Hellenic Museum. I wanted to do something more slow-paced and somewhat quieter so I looked at museums or art galleries. I had been to the Melbourne Museum before so I thought I’d look for something different.

The outside of the Hellenic Museum didn’t strike me as being particularly huge. When I got finished inside, however, I realised it was deceptively quite spacious - I had spent almost three hours going around looking at the displays! So as far as value goes it was definitely money well spent to me (it was only $12 AUD).

I started out using the X-Pro 3 with the 27mm, but it didn’t take long for me to realise the shutter was very noticeable as the museum was really quiet! I didn’t want to bother the other patrons so I switched over to the X100V not long after. The leaf shutter on the X100V let me continue with the mechanical shutter without any noise, so I could avoid any banding in the images due to the lights inside.

As I said, I spent about three hours looking around, so it was all quite fascinating to me - highly recommend checking it out if you’re in the area!


Chillin’ at a Cat Cafe
